Since 2011, our network of members purchase deals on their credit cards to earn uncapped points and incredible rewards. It’s simple: The more you spend, the more you earn.
14 Years
In Business
Over 10K members
How it works?
3 Easy Steps
Purchase items from retailer links we share and use our ship-to-address.
Buy & Ship
Get Paid
We receive your packages and pay you the same day.
Accumulate rewards, air-miles, cashback and much more
Earn Rewards

“Over a hundred of deals bought.”

Haim Weitman
I joined USA buying group about 4 years ago. It was extremely easy to learn how to use the platform, buy new deals, and request payments...
I joined USA buying group about 4 years ago. It was extremely easy to learn how to use the platform, buy new deals, and request payments. Over this 4 years I’ve bought hundreds of deals for them, making it an easy way to accumulate credit card points and cash back. They have a very good customer service, always replying to my inquiries very promptly, and making sure buyers are satisfied.
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“I wouldn’t use anybody else.”

Albert Guendi
I use the buying group because I find them to have a great system in hand with great people working for them. Before doing the buying group I wouldn’t know how to build up points...
I use the buying group because I find them to have a great system in hand with great people working for them. Before doing the buying group I wouldn’t know how to build up points. The buying group gives you a chance to build something special for yourself. I was referred to by a friend and it was the best thing to happen to me! They teach you how to buy and what deals are really deals. I wouldn’t use anybody else.
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Rake it in outside of your 9-5. No experience necessary.
Whether you’re a points pro or new to the game, we offer the tutorials, support, and advice you need to help you grow.